PEER co-PI with Julio Canon as lead PI: Tracking The Impacts Of Variability And Climate Change On Tropical Wetlands: The Evolution Of Two Andean Lakes And A Floodplain Cienagas In Colombia.
European Union co-PI with H. Gupta as lead PI. Award: A Scientific Basis For Urban Water Planning Under Climate Change (SWAN-Sustainable Water ActioN: Building Research Links Between EU And US.
NSF co-PI with Russell K. Monson as lead PI. Award: Collaborative Research: Processes and Patterns in The North American Monsoon Macrosystem Award:
NSF co-PI with Thomas Meixner as lead PI. Award: Collaborative Research – Climate and Population Change and Thresholds of Peak Ecological Water: Integrated Synthesis for Dryland Rivers.
DOE Lead PI with co-PI Christopher Castro and Dennis Lettenmaier Hydrologic Extremes In A Changing Climate: How Much Information Can Regional Climate Models Provide?
NSF Lead PI with Yingfan Reinfelder Collaborative Research: The Amazon Groundwater and Its Impact on Evapotranspiration and the Climate of South America
NSF Co-PI with Professor Christopher Castro (UA) as lead PI. Use Of Regional Atmospheric Modeling To Improve Short And Long-Term Forecasting Capability Of The North American Monsoon System
(University of Arizona) Funding
Water, Environmental and Energy Solutions (WEES) co-PI with Sandy Dall’erba as lead PI. The Impact of Climate Change on Arizona’s Agriculture: the Ricardian Approach Revisited.
Faculty Exploratory Research Grant (FERG) Lead PI with Sandy Dall’erba and Yolande Serra as Co-PI The Impact of Climate Change on Farm Production Across the US
UA Water Sustainability Program Lead-PI with Co-PIs Hoshin Gupta and Peter Troch Intelligent Correction Of Future Climate Projections In The Salt And Verde River Basins For Water Resource Applications
UA Water Sustainability Program co-PI with Christopher Castro as lead PI Further development of dynamically downscaled climate change projection information for water resource decision making in the Southwest U.S.
SAHRA Center Directed Initiatives Lead-PI with Co-PI Yuquiong Liu (UA). Do We Need Regional Climate Models To Simulate The Future Hydrology Of The Southwest?